Sunday, May 6, 2012

Jordan Post 12

Here is a photo of my final project

Inspiration for this post is the Chapman Brothers. I have been very interested in the movement of abjection. Abjection being this strange lust for something that hurts you but simultaneously draws you in. It is also a sort of reminder that we are shit producing corpses, everything that we try to forget about every day and express with irrational fear. They say abjection although officially claiming the title in the 1990's has always been present. It could technically be first evident in the Renaissance with a fascination for blood, but it was the Dada and Surrealist movements having the "taboo" that made actual visual artwork of this description possible. Among tons of artists Ive been researching, I decided to take inspo from the Chapman Brothers because I admired their drawings that they usually turn into sculptures.

Turned into sculpture

 I really admired this drawing, I wanted to make it into a poster of my own so I decided to do my drawing of it. It told me it wanted color.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Post 10 Heather

For the final assignment I chose to do a piece based on ritual objects and how when displayed, because of the mystery one is deawn in. Having family members ivnolved in Driuid groves and witchcraft, it has laways interested me , though I;ve never really taken it up myelf the astehtic of it always intrigued me.  The objects I made are based on symbols and thing that would be found in altars of someone with these practices, which often borrow from nature, and have mashed together beliefs due to the the attempt to reconstruct ancient ways. I wanted to make these pieces mysterious and approachable not only because of the bad reputation they get but as a way of trying to get poeple to look at them and try and make their own assumptions. (this first one is earth)












This is the whole setu I made to look like an alter.

These two photograps, which I found on a pagan blog I used for reference and put them up for you to get an idea of the kind of imagery I was going for.

The next three images are my weekly drawings. And for once  something I make isn't nature based. For the time being I think Imay have exhausted that theme in my work, and with my illustration classes starting in the fall I've started drawing things related to my othrer interests, such as comicbooks and designing characters and stories. The first two are characters for comic concept based off of pinups and women's body image issues.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Post 9-Heather

These are my 3 collages for the photorealism project.

This is the final drawing of the collage. I really enjoyed drawing all that hair and learned alot just studying photographic images.

This was my weekly drawing for that week. My boyfriend fell asleep on my sofa again so I drew his boot.
These are paper sculptures by Lindsay Way It is a fantastic use of drawing in 3 demensions and I love her styleization and color use. She does many whimsical but dark images.

Mobius is a well known storyboard/background designer who works on animated films. Most of these works are based out of science fiction, somthing that has always interested me.

Edward Gorey is one of my favorite artists. His use of fun, simple shapes bring a sweetness to images that otherwise would appear quite disturbing. Most of his pieces are very tiny, usually about a few inches in height in with.  I like his employment  of stark backgroundsthat  are complimented by the use of patterns and high contrast.