Here is a photo of my final project
Inspiration for this post is the Chapman Brothers. I have been very interested in the movement of abjection. Abjection being this strange lust for something that hurts you but simultaneously draws you in. It is also a sort of reminder that we are shit producing corpses, everything that we try to forget about every day and express with irrational fear. They say abjection although officially claiming the title in the 1990's has always been present. It could technically be first evident in the Renaissance with a fascination for blood, but it was the Dada and Surrealist movements having the "taboo" that made actual visual artwork of this description possible. Among tons of artists Ive been researching, I decided to take inspo from the Chapman Brothers because I admired their drawings that they usually turn into sculptures.
Turned into sculpture
I really admired this drawing, I wanted to make it into a poster of my own so I decided to do my drawing of it. It told me it wanted color.