Sunday, January 29, 2012

Jason Moorer: Drawing Study and Select Artist – Slim Aarons

Often photography serves as inspiration for many of my art productions and I’ve been really interested lately in the works of Slim Aarons, whom I’ve been referencing for many of my other studios classes. Aarons is noted for capturing “genre scenes” of wealthy socialites, jet setters and celebrities, or as he notes “attractive people doing attractive things in attractive places.” I like the relationship Aarons makes between the figures and their surroundings. Since I am focusing on interior design as my semester subject this year, I’ve been investigating how people relate to their home environments and interior spaces and how those spaces are reflective of social, societal and poetical issues.

My studies will focus on the relationship between the interior and its inhabitant. My work this semester will comment on the conflict between old money and nouveau riche aesthetics in relationship to interior design. One of the aspects I am commenting on is how Aaron’s documentation of “attractiveness” is limited to Anglo-Saxon affluent aristocrats. This is reflective of the hyperreality marketed towards individuals, displaying a specific lifestyle that is deemed the correct way of living.

For more of Slim's Photography:

Here is my favorite scene from Scarface, where Tony Montana is watching television in his living room sized bathroom. The room is adorned with gaudy pillars, Italian sculptures and excessive amounts of gold. As ostentatious and ornate it is there is something aesthetically pleasing about this space. It is incredibly representative of the man himself as well as nouveau riche aesthetics. This semester will be fun to explore these concepts through drawing.

1 comment:

  1. There's more to think about here than how the set design reflects Tonys character. Look at how interesting and well-composed that shot is! Maybe think about how composition supports narrative and leads a viewer through the image.
