Monday, February 6, 2012

Ben 3rd post

Joe Fenton is a huge influence of mine. This drawing is called, "The Lullaby" and i personally admire the mesmerizing lullaby feel to the drawing. I think the title is very fitting, because of the rhythmic feel he's created. Even with the strange, disturbing imagery he has, i still feel the "Lullaby" vibe he was trying to create because of his use of contrast and the general setup of his composition. I'm heavily influenced by all these aspects and try to incorporate them all into my work.
For this weeks daily drawing i stuck to my interest of pen & ink and the use of heavy contrast. The content of the drawing is pretty random as usual, but i'm trying to be very conscious of my composition and the overall feel of my drawings to make sure the feeling i'm trying to convey is getting displayed.

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