Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Post 4

For my fourth drawing I chose to do a facial study of my self for the self portrait included into a painting project. The painting I chose was Vermeer's The Procuress an image of a prostitute, her pimp, and other company.Vermeer was a Dutch painter during the 1600's who is most widely known for painting beautiful, realistic portraits of women.This is one of his earlier works that shows off his skill dealing with compositions.

With this painting I wanted to link the image of the woman to the land and how we use both women and the earth to cultivate and grow. I will depict this by showing the pimp and other characters as farmers planting the prostitute in the ground, like a seed. The compisition and poses will be kept mostly the same with the addition of a bit more depth to fit into an expansive farm landscape. The character's wardrobes will be updated and features kept relitively similar. My protrrait will be in the place of Vermeer (far left).

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