Sunday, February 26, 2012

Lauren, Post Six.

This week I have sketched a hand with elephantiasis. Deformities and disfigurations are obviously something of interest to me. As of late I have started to think about my childhood interest in family trees. I would make up genealogy for my barbies and lengthy lists of names and birth dates  in preparation for playing "pioneer girl" or "indian girl". I have recently started to put deformities and family history together in context of inbreeding and think that it already played a role in my work without me truly realizing. 

Chet Zar

Born in 1967 in San Pedro, Ca. Like most of us he spent his childhood drawing and painting.
"A natural fascination with all things strange fostered within himself a deep connection to horror movies and dark imagery. He could relate to the feelings of fear, anxiety and isolation that they conveyed. These are themes which had permeated most of his childhood drawings and paintings and are reflected in his work to this day." 
He works as a special effects make up artist, designer and sculptor for movies, along with painting. 

This is my "Study for the Final" 

"Watch your purse and ya tits"

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