So I thought about the reading, the iconic being image, symbolic being text and the indexical pointing to the maker. I was missing an indexical feeling to apply. I found a quote really meaningful to me, its from a book I read in High School, "Stick Figure" by Lori Gottlieb, Many of her issues and experiences I could relate to:
"First of all, my long blond hair kept getting darker and darker until it finally turned brown. I know it doesn't sound that terrible, but one of Mom's magazines said if you have "dishwater brown" hair, you should take that "boring" hair and make it more "exciting" by dyeing it red or platinum blond. Then next to the article there were these pictures of three different ladies with brown, red, and blond hair. The redhead and the blond lady were smiling like those people on game shows who win trips to Hawaii, but the lady with the brown hair looked like she was about to cry. So now I'm stuck with hair that makes you cry. But that's just part of what's happened to me since second grade. Believe me, it gets a hundred times worse."
It makes a statement of the insecurities imposed on a young and impressionable girl. It will be a very personal piece to me. I write in a journal pretty consistently, below is an idea of what my pages look like. I write about things in my past or in my present, It has always been very therapeutic to me.
I want to incorporate my quote in a repetitive nature with an iconic refrence meaningful to me. I have the perfect picture in mind (that I am having my step-dad hopefully scan over to me) that I would like to reference. I am also considering using magazines as a medium but in a non-corny way!
Please excuse me if this is too vulgar but...
(hahah i don't know who the artist is of this, but I came across it and it reminded me of the project)
"SUPERWET" is my drawing for the week. I found these underwear chilling in my drawer and I thought they had the grossest name, "SuperDry"!? Laughing about it I took a sharpie crossing out dry and putting "WET". Then discussing how super gross it is how girls underwear could get all dirty. I thought to dirty them with different bodies bodily fluids. Not everything needs to be pleasant, I guess I am in a weird mood this week. It makes statement enough to me, I like exposing my anti-feminist side I let shine through from time to time.
I found this picture on the internet, very cliche for my taste but I thought the color scheme was cool enough for me to look at and there is a journal entry in the background, which is similar to what I am attempting.
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