Wednesday, March 21, 2012

post for March 20th 2012

"Niggah" & " Faggot"
spring 2012

"Adrien Patout is an artist currently living and working in Paris. His work is heavily influenced by the fleshy paintings of Philippe Pasqua and Jenny Saville, with Patout choosing himself to focus on the human body and people's relationship to it, such as with piercings, tattoos, cosmetic surgery, etc. The self-taught painter explores how the body, as a medium, bridges the gap between our inner feelings and the outside world." 

I just discovered this artist and I really enjoy the gestural attitude the drawings have and this speaks to the drawings I have been doing lately involving portions of the figure using the white of the page to exist, there is a erotic tension to the work that I enjoy very much and hope to create in my drawing practices.  

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