Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Post for March 12th 2012

I think that I bring up topic that many of my peers either aren't interested in or maybe find daunting to thread in to, for that reason I think I enjoy the work I do more so not purely for shock value which is a misconception I think people have sometimes. That doesn't motivate me if you're shocked or embarassed that's not necessarily the sole intent which brings me to my word choice for the current project. 
We've been looking at the signify er and the signified and how symbols are arbitrary without perception influencing the viewer. Words are not fixed and have are absent of a predetermined universal meaning. This applies to derogatory phrases and words also.

My intentions are to use the word and pattern and texture to provide the viewer of the sensation of a changed perspective of the word, in a more simpler way... the word Nigger controversially has been taken away or transformed in to a term of endearment and pride (Niggah) visually the word will be camouflaged in to the textures of gold and gems and almost a tacky classy way forcing the viewer to look at the word in relation to how its presented through a individuals perspective  instead of  the condemning  and hateful perspective.

"Faggot" functions this way as well and is also used as a term of endearment and a cultural revolt taking the word away from its negative association. However negatively used the words original intended meaning has been last in recent decades being a bundle of sticks, in some cultures the word may mean a bundle of sticks and others a term of homophobia, this word will be placed on a floral background with the text adopting the tone or color behavior of the background thus assimilating it within association to its perceptional meaning.

The figurative representation will be as the study shows above providing you a tension between word and image along with subjective perception, 

I have been also looking at the work of tracey emin who I researched for the textile work I recently did, her work is very autobiographical and intensely revealing to the point I question the communicably to the audience. Perhaps if the individual is a woman  it may speak clearer? Nevertheless I appreciate her work both conceptually and technically as far as craft and her ability to generate discomfort. 

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