Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Jordan Post 9

Above is my Photo-realisim project, an image of my mom and her friend in High school collaged strangely onto the breast area of a curvy female ideal, in a sense. I was pleased the outcome related to aspects of my content without much force.

Here is one of my weekly drawings, a representation dealing with a problem of puberty, STRETCH MARKS!! Having gained 15 pounds one summer in high school. I suffer a great deal of insecurity and worry over these small ugly marks distributed lightly on my outer thighs that no one but me claims to see.
I've been thinking a lot about the question, "Who is your audience?" lately. At first I thought maybe teenage girls could relate. But I've noticed I have a strange combination of "creepy yet cutsey" that makes it hard to pin-point who I am trying to attract. I am really getting into the Pop world in some ways. Its a kind of attraction that will draw in, but not require much from the audience. I hope to still evoke an emotion even if the audience cannot look past the brand and into a deeper meaning. It is where I am right now, I intend to be blatantly obvious until I can dig deeper into my original content and give it the time and thought it deserves.
I'm not a huge fan or an admirer of her style. But I am aware of artist Lisa Yuskavage who is a talented artist with similar content that I was intending to work with as my first layer of content. She has been recommended to me countless times. I have investigated her representations and decisions. I will post better discoveries later on in the day

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