Monday, April 2, 2012

Post Nine/ For April 3rd.

This week I have a drawing that I have nicknamed "First day of 7th grade". I realized part way through that it reminded me of the insecurities of appearance during that age and how easily young adults are taunted for having pimples, greasy hair, strange proportions, the common "awkward stage". How strange it was for your body to be changing before your eyes, wanting to hide your new achey protrusions from your chest and the constant worrying if you are "pretty enough." I have come to realize that some aspects of my work come from low self-esteem I have had through the majority of my life. From my very first day of school I was awkward and shy, now out of my shell a bit I still retain all of my awkwardness...but at least now I talk!

First off, I could not get good lighting for the photo so it did not come out well, but here it is!

The artist I would like to highlight is Abigale Wenrich. Not only because I have known her for the 4 1/2 years I have been dating her brother, but because she is one of my favorite people to be around. 
Abigale graduated from PCAD in 2009( Pennsylvania college of art and design located in Lancaster, Pa) She majored in Illustration and currently she is making pieces that are 
displayed on a website that produces short stories which you can

A combination of sex and humor, her work something I can completely relate to. The textures she achieves are great, and Abigale truly uses her medium of watercolor to her advantage.
Unfortunately at this current moment she does not have a whole lot uploaded to places I can snag, but I have contacted her and hopefully she will send me some photos of her bigger pieces. Here are a few I found, some are quicker works.

Senior Thesis Show

                                                            Her parents...but for the website



Here are a few more .....

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